7 Pieces of Advice for Staying Cool While Out of your Comfort Zone

I know we all know those moments where we get nervous and uneasy when it comes to a new situation or place. No one likes that feeling of your heart racing so fast, you can see it pumping outside of your chest, so I wanted to share some tips for how to go about staying cool outside of your comfort zone!

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It’s so important to get out of your comfort zone, especially during this time of our lives– we get invited to parties where we might only know the hosts, are on the job hunt or maybe might move to a new city where we might not know anyone!

Getting out of your comfort zone is so important because if we don’t do it now, we may never do it!

I wanted to see what my friends had to say about this because I know I am not the only one who has advice on this. It’s also helpful to surround yourself with people and brands that embody the same mission and goals as you. Companies like Tommy John, who promote wellness, balance, support and comfort are great ways to align what’s important and deserves focus in your life. To learn more about Tommy John, be sure to check out their popular men’s underwear selection here.

Our tips: 

1. Always do your research 

It helps to know what you might be getting yourself into, so knowing what you are getting yourself into can help calm those nerves! This can come in handy when you are moving, going on an interview or even are going to an event.

2. Mentally prepare ahead of time 

The way you mentally prepare is going to be different for everyone, but mentally preparing can be done by also doing your research! My friend Megan says this is what she does before a job interview. Thinking of the questions that she might be asked is what helps her not be as nervous when they start asking her questions about her experiences and what she knows about the company!

3. Bring a friend with you, if possible! 

So, when I asked my friends what they do when they are going into a new situation, a few of them said this!

I am a huge extrovert, but still get nervous sometimes at networking events, so I like bringing a friend to an event like that. I like to bring someone who knows a lot about the work I’ve done and vice versa, so we can vouch for each other when networking with someone we might not know!

Of course you cannot bring your friend or mom with you to a job interview, no matter how much we want to, but if it’s a Friendsgiving where you only know the host, but still want to join in on the fun, ask if you can bring a friend!

4. Knowing you have nothing to lose when trying something new! 

This was the advice from my friend, Brenna! I love this advice. She recently moved to D.C. from Ohio and started a new job at a really cool campaign, and is living her best life right now, so I would listen to her!

If you are thinking of trying something new, moving to a new city or thinking about asking that guy out that you’ve been crushing on, Brenna and I agree- JUST DO IT! You’ve got nothing to lose!

5. Remind yourself WHY you wanted to do a particular thing in the first place as your motivation! 


This can be applied to so many aspects of your life, not only if you are getting out of your comfort zone! I can definitely apply this to my life right now- I recently joined a new gym and instead of thinking that people would judge me because I am out of shape, I thought about it as I am doing this for ME and so I can better my health!

6. Act with confidence 

This is combining two of my friends advice! Even if you are nervous, pretend you are not! My friend Mara says that even if she is really nervous about going into a social situation where she can’t bring a friend, she says she “channels” the energy of the bravest person she knows and does what she thinks they would do in that situation!

I have actually done this before! I often think “what would my mom do right now”? My mom never is afraid to speak her mind or go up to someone and start chatting with them- so this is what I do if I am ever nervous at one of the networking events I was speaking about earlier!

7. Remind yourself that good will come from trying new things! 

Even though it might be scary in the moment, it will all be worth it! You never know, walking up to someone you don’t know at a networking event or even a Friendsgiving could bring a whole new experience into your life!


I hope these tips help! Remember, you can always reach out to me for advice on social media @Danieminor13!




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