Happy Birthday, Defining Danie!

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I cannot believe it is already Definingdanie.com’s birthday. This first year of blogging has been unimaginable. Defining Danie has opened so many doors and friendships, that I could not imagine not having anymore. I really would like to thank everyone who has supported me through this first year. Thank you for every share, like and follow!

I have definitely learned so much about blogging and about myself through this year-long journey. I cannot wait to see what is next on my journey of the online world! Who knows? If there is anything new that you would love to see on Defining Danie, you have to let me know!


The number one thing that I think has improved since my first post is my use of exclamation points, haha! (Whoops, I guess that was necessary though…) I think that I was so excited when I first started that I thought that everything just HAD to have one.

Make sure you’re connected at all times!
