Recap of My Trip to Dublin and London!

..I belong in Europe is all I can say. For two weeks I traveled all throughout Dublin and London. I was there with one of my classes that I took during the semester, Global Advertising and Public Realtions. While visiting, we not only visited the touristy sites, we worked with groups that we were paired with all semester.


My group, International Wit, worked to compare Continue reading

The Summer of a Lifetime

The end of this school year was the most stressful time of my life! This semester I had six group projects. Yes, you read that correctly!


This summer is going to be one for the books! I have so many plans for this summer.


As a part of of one of my classes, Global Advertising and Public Relations, I get to study abroad! This Thursday, I leave to go to Dublin and London. All semester, my amazing group and I worked on our website to compare the humor between America and Dublin/London. It was really fun!

For two weeks, I will have the opportunity to travel these two amazing cities, and visit some pretty well-known PR and Ad agencies. I am so excited!  Continue reading